Most Important Things I Learned:

• Good communication in the most important thing in group project work
• It’s often better to implement a sub-optimum solution to a difficult problem (e.g. database associations) and then let it lead you to a better solution to the same problem

Things I Struggled With The Most:

• Keeping track of what the 3 different pairs were doing and working out whether the constituent parts of the product were going to work together
• Github.. merge conflicts, branches being accidentally merged into Master and rolling back commits

Changes I Plan to Make Next Week:

• Make sure everyone is clear on the Git process from day 1, and is using Waffle in the correct way. Ask for guidance if things like pull requests not closing the right issues occur again and document the process.
• Regular stand ups at the same time every day. Nominating a leader for each stand up so they are more structured and useful

Other Experiences or General Feedback This Week:

• Looking forward to final projects and hoping we can make something awesome!
• It was great having a much needed no-homework weekend! Thanks :) Think it’s a good idea to have this before we immerse ourselves in final projects.
• I’ve decided to write more ‘how to’ blog posts as they are proving useful for myself and other to refer back to

Nat x