Most Important Things I Learned:

• Constant communication is really important in a group situation, to make sure the project is moving in the right direction and to make sure bad merge conflicts don’t happen
• How to be agile and cut features/change plans for features when new information comes to light

Things I Struggled With The Most:

• Ajax cross origin issues. AHHHH
• Keeping motivation up while redoing a previous project

Changes I Plan to Make Next Week:

• Start doing Ruby katas again
• Name functions/methods in a more descriptive way

Other Experiences or General Feedback This Week:

• I loved working on the Makerthon project! Great idea to introduce it in week 6, as it allows you to get that valuable experience of working in teams, agile development of an MVP and github stuff.
• I found the ‘extend Chitter’ task (mon-tue) hard to get into. I wouldn’t have chosen to work on Chitter again since we’ve only just done it and I put a lot of work into the first one. People wanted to start from scratch so we started by redoing everything and it was difficult to care as much about it this time around. We also now know that Rails is going to come along and blow our sign up processes out of the water with the ‘devise’ gem. The value I got out of the task was fully understanding how some bits worked, especially datamapper, but it made me feel that I hadn’t done as good a job as I thought the first time around since I still had questions around how some bits worked. I perfected my original challenge at various points during the two days (based on Ben’s 1:1 feedback) as a way of making sure I understood everything, but I think maybe this was a bit selfish as I wasn’t pairing properly on the task at hand.
• I probably would have preferred to spend the first two days revisiting challenges on my own and then doing the Makerthon for the rest of the week.
• Seniors? Whaaat?

Nat x