This week has involved a couple of famililar topics in the shape of HTML and CSS, so I’ve been able to give myself a bit of time off in the evenings! I’ve been showing a couple of people how to make pages more presentable and more interesting by using animated gifs and jquery animation. Whilst a thermostat with a background that goes up in flames when the temperature gets too high might not be the best user experience, and I certainly wouldn’t show it to any designers I know, it has been quite fun as a break from intense tutorials and logic challenges.

We rewrote our front end JavaScript in jQuery today which didn’t pose any problems, then moved on to working with AJAX calls to a weather API. The purpose of this was to display the weather in one or more locations.

Here’s the main call we used to get the JSON file and display the bits we needed

  $.ajax({url: ",uk&units=metric", success: function(result){
    $("#currentTemp").html(result.main.temp + '°C');

And here is how it works…

  • The API URL for London weather is pulled in
  • If the loading of that data is a success the result (a JSON file) is passed into a function
  • The temperature is found by navigating through the file using `result.main.temp`
  • This temperature information is displayed inside the element with an ID of 'currentTemp' (probably a div or paragraph)
  • The name of the city is displayed in the same way

We managed to get it working for multiple cities using a method that was executed upon the change of a select box, and inserted the value of the select option into the API URL.

The day ended a bit early due to the tube strike, but I’m pretty happy with what we did today!

Nat x