Day 19 | Factory Girls working overtime
I had a great time today. Thursdays are fast becoming my favourite day of the week at Makers. We usually spend the first day or two of the week getting stuck into a new topic, Wednesday making some good progress and Thursday marvelling at the things we’re suddenly able to create.
Elin and I started working through the material fairly slowly, wanting to examine and understand several details we thought were important to our learning. By the end of the day we were absolutely flying and had created password sign ups, authentications, a login function, error messages and refactored using a handy gem called Factory Girl. This DRYs your code out by effectively creating massive doubles of objects such as users, complete with preset properties (e.g. email, password, password confirmation etc). Nine hours and 12 commits later we had to call it a day as we were starting to get brain melt.
After dinner I implemented a sign out function and used partials for the first time to tidy up my layout.
We really have learned a lot this week. I sometimes think my brain must be forgetting some other important knowledge in order to make space..
Nat x

What's that metal deely used to... dig... food?