Day 6 | Uphill Battleships
Week two already? My how time flies! Speaking of flying, this weekend I completed the Airport Challenge which was our cohort’s weekend homework. At first I massively overcomplicated it by adding in methods that I later realised might not be necessary to satisfy the user stories, so I did have to do a bit of refactoring and removing. I’m pretty comfortable with doubles and stubs now, but I think I still need to do a bit of work on identifying appropriate tests. My builds passed (3/3 with 100% test coverage) so I’m happy about that. And I got a new sticker. YAY STICKERS!
Today we started work on the Battleships project. It is similar in theory to last week’s work, except this time we have no guidance and it uses game logic and is generally a lot more complex!
We started with a bit of domain modelling and CRC, then got started on building the tests and corresponding methods for a 1 x 1 board and a single ship. That all went well and it seems the things we learnt last week about TDD, logical baby steps, doubles, git pong, attr_accessors, constants, naming, DRY, feature testing and a load of other topics has really stuck and become almost second nature at times. Battleships is a difficult project but we made good progress today and built a lot of cool methods.
The day was definitely enhanced by partaking in yoga and meditation. I’m really getting into these. At first I was a bit dubious, expecting to feel instant effects like I do after a run or a high intensity Samba class but I’ve realised the benefits are actually a bit more subtle and long lasting. When I reflect on a day I don’t recall feeling stressed, negative or anxious if I’ve taken part in wellbeing activities. This is really important when you’re learning a lot of new concepts and constantly feeling out of depth. You really need to ground yourself.
I’ll just finish today by saying.. “ommmmmmmmmm”
Nat x

Oh, and we were briefly on the telly box today!